The following databases require you to log in with your NHS Wales email address and password or an NHS Wales OpenAthens account or, if you are on an NHS Wales site, access instantly through the NHS Wales network.
Any issues with the databases including access, should be reported to
AMED is a bibliographic database covering alternative and allied therapies and related subjects. It is produced in-house at the British Library and hosted on the Wolters Kluwer OVID platform. It includes a range of international titles. Coverage dates from 1985 to the present and is updated with new content monthly.
(NHS Wales Network) ASSIA
(NHS Wales OpenAthens) ASSIA
Containing records from 19 countries, the Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts database covers social sciences, counselling, policing and social work referencing articles on social issues, poverty, addiction, crime, violence, discrimination, inequality and more. It is updated monthly.
BNI is a bibliographic database that indexes articles from English language nursing journals published primarily in the UK. It is a comprehensive index covering all aspects of nursing, midwifery and community healthcare from 1985 to the present. It is updated monthly.
(NHS Wales Network) British Nursing Database
(Log in with NHS Wales OpenAthens) British Nursing Database
The BND is the full-text version of the bibliographic database British Nursing Index. It covers the practice, education, and research literature for nurses, midwives, health care support workers and health providers in the UK and the greater nursing community. Literature covers titles published in the UK, Australia and Canada, plus a selection of other international nursing titles dating back to 1993.
(NHS Wales Network) CINAHL Plus with Full Text
(NHS Wales OpenAthens) CINAHL Plus with Full Text
(Welsh Government) CINAHL Plus with Full Text
CINAHL Plus® with Full Text is a full-text database and encompasses the subjects of nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and allied health disciplines. It also contains care sheets, education modules, research instruments records, standards of practice, and educational software. It is updated weekly and carries records of journals dating back to the 1930s. Much of the content is from North America, but it does index many UK journals.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making and includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The Cochrane Library is freely available to NHS staff, patients and the public in Wales.
Embase <1974 to Current>
Embase <1996 to Current>
EMBASE is the biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic "Excerpta Medica" database. Updated daily, it covers drugs and pharmacology and other aspects of human medicine and related disciplines. Embase is produced by Elsevier in Europe and hosted on the Wolters Kluwer OVID platform.
The Healthcare Administration Database is a full-text database and provides access to scholarly journals, dissertations, theses and other content covering health care management, health care administration, health professionals, hospitals, public health, insurance, law, statistics, and ethics.
HMIC bibliographic database is produced by the library services of the UK’s Department of Health and the King’s Fund and hosted on the Wolters Kluwer OVID platform. It covers official publications, journal articles and grey literature relating to health and social care management, including management of the NHS, quality of health services, estates management, and regulation of medicines and medical equipment. It is updated six times a year.
The Midwives Information & Resource Service contains the Maternity and Infant Care bibliographic database with abstracts (MIC) and is produced in the UK. Comprehensive coverage starts in 1988 with records added daily.
MEDLINE is a bibliographic database of life sciences and biomedical information produced by the National Library of Medicine in the United States. It is updated daily and includes literature published from 1966 to present.
Ovid MEDLINE <1946 to Current>
Ovid MEDLINE <1996 to Current>
Ovid MEDLINE and Epub ahead of Print, In-Process, In-Data Review & Other non-indexed citations and daily <1946 - Current>
Ovid MEDLINE Epub ahead of Print, In-Process, In-Data Review & Other non-indexed citations
Here you can access the full collection of Ovid databases (AMED, Embase, HMIC, PsychInfo, Medline, MIDIRS, and Social Policy and Practice). If you access the databases this way, you can choose which sections of the databases you would like to search and search them together. Alternatively, if you would like to search the databases one by one, you can also find them listed individually.
Further Information
Further help videos on OVID can be found here:
Boolean and other database searching techniques:
NHS Wales Library and Knowledge Services training group has worked with the e-Library to produce the following help video series, Exploring Evidence
APA PsycInfo <1806 to Current>
APA PsycInfo <2002 to Current>
PsycINFO contains bibliographic material centred on psychology and the behavioural and social sciences. Journal coverage spans from 1806 to present while book coverage includes material published from 1987 to present. Records are updated weekly.
Scopus is a citation database spanning many subject areas, publication years, document types, and sources from over 5,000 publishers globally. Scopus is updated daily with approximately 11,000 new articles per day indexed.
Log in with NHS Wales OpenAthens
The Sociology Collection is a full text database that includes: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts and Sociology Database
The databases can be searched separately or as a collection and cover sociology and social services, along with related fields from 1952 to the present. It provides abstracts, indexing, and full-text coverage of journal articles, books, dissertations, working papers, and more.
The bibliographic Social Services Abstracts database carries abstracts and indexes to more than 1,300 publications focusing on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, community development, and other related areas. Coverage dates back to 1979.
With coverage dating from 1952 to the present, the Sociological Abstracts database indexes about 1,800 international publications highlighting social and behavioral sciences, including anthropology, criminology, demography, education, law, race relations, social psychology and urban studies. It also provides abstracts of books, book reviews, dissertations, and conference papers.
Social Policy and Practice is a bibliographic database of records and abstracts dating from 1981. It combines data from six UK collections of social policy and practice resources: AgeInfo, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Planex, Social Care Online, and ChildData It is updated quarterly.
More information:
Further help videos on OVID can be found here:
Boolean and other database searching techniques:
NHS Wales Library and Knowledge Services training group has worked with the e-Library to produce the following help video series, Exploring Evidence
The Trip Medical Database is a UK-based bibliographic database providing access to systematic reviews, clinical trials, guidelines medical images and videos, textbooks, blogs and leaflets across the globe. It is updated monthly.
Access is instant from the NHS Wales network but users can also register for a personal account to access from home. Simply enter your email address, and when given the option select your NHS Wales institution to be granted full access to Trip PRO.
Based in Chile, Epistemonikos uses ten bibliographic databases to provide systematic reviews, broad evidence synthesis, summaries and primary and methodological studies. It can be searched in nine languages and is updated weekly.
Europe PMC is a repository, providing access to worldwide life science articles, books, patents and clinical guidelines.
The GreenFILE bibliographic database contains abstracts covering all aspects of human impact on the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Health Equity Resource Database
This bibliographic database, directed for European nations, covers the subject of inequities and differences in the health status of different population groups. It includes publications, practices, initiatives, data sources policies and policy analysis, research and details of organisations working on this subject.
[LISTA] Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts is a bibliographic database providing both abstracts for journals, book indexes, research reports and conference proceedings covering back to the mid-1960s. Subjects include librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, search engines, printed and electronic information sources, the information industry, scholarly communication, and electronic publishing.
Orthosearch is an orthopaedic-specific bibliographic database maintained by the British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery that indexes journals, standards, guidelines, preprints, videos, podcasts and conference abstracts.
PEDro - The Physiotherapy Evidence Database is an Australian-based bibliographic database containing randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. It is updated monthly.
PubMed - Created by the US National Library of Medicine, PubMed is a bibliographic database containing free access to millions of citations and abstracts of biomedical literature dating back to 1966. It is updated daily.
The Transfusion Evidence Library is a database of systematic reviews that date from 1980 and randomised controlled trials that date from 1950 relevant to transfusion medicine. It is updated monthly.