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Have the e-resources made an impact to the work you do? Looking to suggest improvements on the resources you use? We're seeking your feedback.


Your feedback helps us understand the impacts, if any, the e-resources have had on your work and in your roles. We also want to capture opportunities for development.

Surveys should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete and are used to support e-resource reviews for re-procurement.

This survey focuses on our subscribed e-Learning resources. We are asking participants to respond about one resource at a time. You can complete the survey multiple times.   

This survey focuses on our subscribed evidence summaries. We are asking participants to respond about one resource at a time. You can complete the survey multiple times about different e-resources you might use in your work.  

This survey focuses on our subscribed guidelines. We are asking participants to respond about one guideline at a time. You can complete the survey multiple times about different guidelines you might use in your work.