All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) brings together relevant healthcare consultants and key organisations to form expert panels for the consideration of a variety of issues relating to medicines management.
NHS Wales users can access the BNF either via NICE or Medicines Complete
British National Formulary via NICE
British National Formulary via Medicines Complete (access on NHS Wales site or within the NHS Wales network only)
NHS Wales staff can access the BNFc either via NICE or Medicines Complete
British National Formulary for Children via NICE
British National Formulary for Children via Medicines Complete (access on NHS Wales site or within the NHS Wales network only)
The Guidelines International Network contains links to guidelines published or endorsed by GIN member organisations from across the globe. It also contains a registry of planned guidelines and guidelines in development.
Health Technology Wales Reports & Guidance come in three types:
The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines provides guidance for clinicians through evidence-based, comprehensive and authoritative information on this important aspect of treatment, derived from the latest research and insights from clinical practice (including from patient experts).
The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines covers topics such as:
Why and when to deprescribe antidepressants, benzodiazepines, gabapentinoids and z-drugs
Barriers and enablers to deprescribing including physical dependence, social circumstances, and knowledge about the discontinuation process
Distinguishing withdrawal symptoms, such as poor mood, anxiety, insomnia, and a variety of physical symptoms from symptoms of the underlying disorder that medication was intended to treat
The difference between physical dependence and addiction/substance use disorder
Explanation of why and how to implement hyperbolic tapering in clinical practice
Specific guidance on formulations of medication and techniques for making gradual reductions, including using liquid forms of medication, and other approaches
Step-by-step guidance for safely stopping all commonly used antidepressants, benzodiazepines, gabapentinoids and z-drugs, including fast, moderate and slow tapering regimens or schedules for each drug, and guidance on how to tailor these to an individual
Troubleshooting issues which can arise on stopping these medications, including akathisia, withdrawal symptoms, acute or protracted, and relapse.
Access NEWT Guidelines
Created by Wrexham Maelor Hospital, the NEWT Guidelines are a resource for pharmacists and other healthcare professionals providing or administering medicines to patients with swallowing difficulties. It includes information on the legal aspects of altering licensed medicine formulations, how to prepare solid dose formulations for administration via enteral feeding tubes, and how to solve problems such as tube blockage and enteral feed interactions
Click the ‘Registered Users Click here to log in’ button and access should be instant when on the NHS Wales network. However, if you are required to enter a username and password, please email for the log-in.
Share your comments and suggestions with us before 31st October 2024.
British Endodontic Society
Guideline for reporting on CBCT scans, Guideline for periradicular surgery, Management of deep caries and the exposed pulp
British National Formulary BNF and BNF Children: Dental areas
adult dental formulary
child dental formulary
includes medical emergencies in dental practice
British Orthodontic Society
Quick reference guide to orthodontic assessment and treatment, Making an orthodontic referral, Moving and transferring during treatment, Limited Treatment Orthodontics, Careers in orthodontics
British Society for Disability and Oral Health
Undergraduate curriculum in special care dentistry (2014), Oral management of oncology patients requiring radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or bone marrow transplantation (2018), Clinical guidelines and integrated care pathways for the oral health care of people with learning disabilities (2012), Clinical holding guidelines (2010), Guidelines for the delivery of a domiciliary oral healthcare service (2009), The provision of oral care under general anaesthesia in special care dentistry – a professional consensus statement (2009), Commissioning tool for special care dentistry (2006), Principles on intervention for people unable to comply with routine dental care, Guidelines for Oral health care for long-stay patients and residents, Guidelines for the development of local standards of oral health care for dependent, dysphagic, critically and terminally ill patients, Oral health care for people with mental health problems, Guidelines for oral health care for people with a physical disability.
British Society for Restorative Dentistry
Crowns, fixed bridges and dental implants guidelines, Tooth wear guidelines, Restorative dentistry for new graduates; an information guide
British Society of Gerodontology
Guidelines for the development of local standards of oral health care for people with dementia, Guidelines for the Oral Healthcare of Stroke Survivors.
British Society for Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
The scope of oral pathology, Good practice in oral pathology.
British Society of Paediatric Dentistry
Guidelines: Trauma guidelines for permanent dentition: Covid 19, Trauma guidelines for primary dentition: Covid 19, Clinical holding in the dental care of children, Treatment of avulsed permanent incisor teeth in children, National guidelines for dentists with special interests, Non pharmacological behaviour management, Management and root canal treatment of non-vital immature permanent incisor teeth, Guidelines for periodontal screening and management of children and adolescents.
Position statements: Obesity and dental caries, Infant feeding, Water fluoridation, Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation
British Society of Periodontology
BSP flowchart implementing the 2017 classification, Good practitioner’s Guide to Periodontology, BPE guidelines 2019, Parameters of care, Guidelines for Periodontal Patient Referral, Guidelines for Periodontal screening and management of children and adolescents under 18 years of age.
British Society of Prosthodontics
The Guidelines in Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry, Guides to Standards in Prosthetic Dentistry - Complete and Partial Dentures, Guidelines on Standards for the Treatment of Patients using Endosseous Implants, Prosthetic Dentistry Glossary.
COPDEND Committee of Postgraduate Dental Deans and Directors
Quality assurance framework for dental CPD, Guidelines for dental educators, Dental Gold Guide (Specialty Dental Training), Dental Silver Guide (Dental Core Training) .
Department of Health / Public Health England
Dental antimicrobial stewardship: toolkit, Breastfeeding and dental health, Safeguarding in dental practice, Dental caries and obesity; their relationship in children, Decontamination in primary dental care practices (HTM01-05), Dental health: migrant health guide, Health matters: child dental health, Dental epidemiology toolkit for local authorities, Handheld dental x-ray equipment: guidance on safe use, Radiation protection and safety guidance for dental cone beam CT equipment, Covid 19: infection prevention and control, Smokefree and smiling, Adult oral health: applying All Our Health, Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention, Improving oral health: guideline development manual, Carbon modelling within dentistry: towards a sustainable future, Lasers intense light courses and LEDs, Oral care and people with learning disabilities, Child oral health: applying All Our Health, Improving oral health; community water fluoridation toolkit, General dentistry exposure prone procedure (EPP) categorization, Department of Health: Management and disposal of healthcare waste (HTM 07-01) and many more…
European Society of Endodontology
Quality guidelines for endodontic treatment
Position statements on: Management of deep caries and the exposed pulp,
Use of CBCT in endodontics, revitalization procedures, the use of antibiotics in Endodontics, External cervical resorption.
Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (FGDP) soon to become the College of General Dentistry
Implications of COVID-19 for the safe management of general dental practice, Dentistry during COVID-19: psychological advice for dental teams, policy makers and communicators,
Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment
Clinical Examination and Record-Keeping,
Selection Criteria for Dental Radiography,
Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry,
Training Standards in Implant Dentistry
General Dental Council (UK)
Standards for the dental team, Principles for Complaints Handling, Scope of Practice, Direct Access, More guidance: medical emergencies, industrial action guidance, list of useful organisations and guidance, mandatory reporting on female genital mutilation (FGM), The professional duty of candour, High level principles for good practice in remote consultations and prescribing, and Supplementary guidance on: advertising, child protection and vulnerable adults, commissioning and manufacturing dental appliances, indemnity, prescribing medicines, reporting criminal proceedings, using social media, position statement on tooth whitening.
International Association of Dental Traumatology
General introduction, Fractures and luxations, Avulsion of permanent teeth, Injuries in the primary dentition
NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence): Oral and Dental Health area:
Pathways: Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis, Oral health for adults in care homes, Oral health improvement for local authorities and their partners, Oral and dental health,
Guidance: Laser therapy for oral mucositis (IPG615), Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis: antimicrobial prophylaxis against IE in adults and children undergoing interventional procedures (CG64), Oral health for adults in care homes (NG48), Oral health promotion: general dental practice (NG30), Oral health: local authorities and partners (PH55), Mini/micro screw implantation for orthodontic anchorage (IPG238), Therapeutic sialendoscopy (IPG218), HealOzone for the treatment of tooth decay (occlusal pit and fissure caries and root caries) (TA92), Dental checks: intervals between oral health reviews (CG19), Guidance on the Extraction of Wisdom Teeth (TA1)
Quality Standards: Oral health in care homes (QS151), Oral Health Promotion in the community (QS139)
Resuscitation Council (UK)
Quality standards: primary dental care, primary dental care equipment list
Royal College of Anaesthetists
Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthesia Services for ENT, Oral Maxillofacial and Dental surgery 2020, Standards for conscious sedation in the provision of dental care 2015
See also Guidelines for the management of children referred for dental extractions under general anaesthesia (2011 - Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland / British Society of Paediatric Dentristry)
Royal College of Surgeons England (Dental Faculties)
Antimicrobial Prescribing, Peri-radicular Surgery, NHS funded dental implant treatment, Oral Management of Oncology patients, Unerupted maxillary incisors, Palatally ectopic maxillary canines, Extraction of first permanent molars in children, Temporomandibular Disorders, Dental Erosion, Surgical Endodontics, Learning Disabilities; Standards for conscious sedation in the provision of dental care
Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Program (SDCEP)
Acute Dental Problems, Antibiotic Prophylaxis, Anticoagulants and antiplatelets, Bisphosphonates, Caries in children, Conscious Sedation, Covid-19 practice recovery, Decontamination, Dental Amalgam, Drug Prescribing, Emergency Dental Care, MRONJ, Oral Health Assessment, Periodontal Care, Practice Management, SDCEP Dental Companion App,
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
138. Dental interventions to prevent caries in children
United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation
Guidance on the dental management of patients with haemophilia and congenital bleeding disorders (2013)
Stahl Online (Cambridge University Press)
Discover the complete Stahl Online collection of teaching and learning neuropsychopharmacology resources, including e-Books, illustrated guides, handbooks and case studies, to support health and care professionals.
View online or download chapters.
Search by topic or title, or refer to the list of titles available within the Stahl Online collection.
Visit the Stahl Drug Lookup to view the A-Z list of psychotropic drugs.
Available from the NHS Wales network or with NHS Wales OpenAthens accounts.