The Medicines Information resource “Medicines Complete” has been accessible through your NHS Wales e-Library since 1st September.
Now, we’d like to hear your first impressions.
Is MedicinesComplete having an impact on your work? Does the resource work for you? Let us know by taking this brief survey:
The NHS Wales e-Library need to know how you feel about our subscription to MedicinesComplete including the individual modules it contains (e.g. Palliative Care Formulary, Stockley's etc).
Your feedback helps us understand the impacts, if any, it has had on your work and in your roles. We also want to capture opportunities for development.
MedicinesComplete can be accessed from:
The survey should take no longer than 8 minutes to complete. Please ensure that no personal or patient identifiable information is included to ensure confidentiality and anonymity.
If you have any queries regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to contact the e-Library team: