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Scopus is a citation database

What is a citation database?

A citation database can be used for cited reference searches, enabling users to find, check and track citation data year-by-year, navigating forward and backward through the literature related to a topic. A citation database can also be used to: 

  • Provide a mechanism for distinguishing between authors with the same name, or an author's name that has been presented in different ways 
  • analyse search results to show the number of documents broken down by various criteria, including year, author, source, affiliation, or subject categories 
  • search within results by adding additional terms to the initial search 
  • identify highly cited works related to a particular topic 
  • find related works that share references or authors 
  • create search alerts to keep up to date with developments in your discipline or organisation 
  • set up citation alerts to notify you when a document or author is cited elsewhere 
  • set up alerts to notify you about new documents by an author 
  • generate a profile that presents an analysis and citation summary of works published by an institution or author(s), including h-index 
  • compare the performance of journals in a particular subject area. 


Using Citation Databases in NHS Wales

A citation database enables the opportunity to track, monitor and measure the impact of this output across NHS Wales.

It supports researchers, library and information professionals, research and development departments and the wider workforce to track their own and institutional research output and provide tools for analysis of impact.

This supports institutions to identify their research strengths, where there could be opportunities for new research and potential collaboration across organisations.  

We Need Your FeedbackWe want to know how Wales has benefited from access to SCOPUS

Share your comments and suggestions with us. 


Further support on SCOPUS

Personal Accounts in Elsevier e-resources

Scopus webinar for NHS Wales (May 2022) 1:20:28

Content Coverage Guide

Factsheet (PDF download)

