Embase <1974 to Current>
Embase <1996 to Current>
Comprehensive bibliographic coverage of the literature on drugs and pharmacology and of all other aspects of human medicine and related disciplines. Embase® is a key resource for biomedical evidence, from published, peer-reviewed literature, in-press publications and conference abstracts. Use Embase® to review clinical trials, to generate systematic reviews, to monitor products for pharmacovigilance and much more. Embase®’s comprehensive indexing - of drugs, devices, manufacturers and disease names - ensures maximum search ability.
Further information and support
New interface on Ovid (2022)
Further help videos on OVID can be found here: https://tools.ovid.com/ovidtools/videos.html
Boolean and other database searching techniques:
NHS Wales Library and Knowledge Services training group has worked with the e-Library to produce the following help video series, Exploring Evidence