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Using the e-Library website

The NHS Wales e-Library website is like a virtual space, allowing you to discover the e-resources that you have access to. 

What am I looking at?

This is the NHS Wales LibrarySearch widget. It is a search bar to search for articles, e-Journals, e-Books and databases. It is managed by Cardiff University, and it is shared across NHS Wales, so you may discover other resources which might not be relevant to you. To access the NHS Wales e-Library resources, please use the default drop-down option on the home page. 


You will see similar areas for e-Journals and e-Books. 

Do I need a separate Log In for LibrarySearch?

You should be able to sign in using your NHS Wales OpenAthens account details and the same password you use to sign into OpenAthens. 

If you have any issues logging into LibrarySearch, first speak to your OpenAthens Administrator or you can email and the

e-Library team can help you investigate the issue.